date 8/25/23
WHY DOES ON DEMAND NOT WORK ON THIS SITE? This is done to protect site users and privacy as on demand requires 3d party services to operate and we  wanted this version of the site to be isolated from other stuff.

HOW MANY TRACKERS DOES THIS SITE HAVE? to what we know there are 0
when was this site started? may 26 23

when was this station started? Aug 28, 2019

how was this site buld? using an older software  from 2005

how mutch is made from this project? None this was started as a hobby

WHY DOES THIS WEBSITE LOOK LIKE THIS? This website is based on how some websites looked in the 90s and early 2000s

what is the future of this project? Unkown at this time

why is the site so basic? to make it more lightweight and more futureproof

why do we not use flash player? because its discontued